A DISTINCT Advantange

The Secret Sauce… 
It’s Relational Restoration!

What has been missing in most social programs today is a social support system delivered through a loving community that is committed to restoring a vulnerable family’s fundamental relationships with themselves and others. A social support system that, when integrated with case management, housing, and supportive services, can bring those on the edge of situational homelessness and brokenness into relational restoration, self-sufficiency and homeownership Victory!

Here’s How HTA Works

  1. HTA Management LLC receives a gifted home and acts as the landlord, HTA program convener & coordinator.
  2. The Agency Partner assesses and selects families into the HTA homes and program. The Agency provides professional case management, while leading and coordinating the Support Community in restoring healthy family relationships.
  3. The Support Community Partner provides a Restorative Team that works under the guidance of the Agency’s professional case manager to help restore the lives of the family members.
  4. The Client Family Members restore relationships and advance their skills from dependency (case-managed and subsidized) to independency (subsidized), to self-sufficiency (freedom) and homeownership in the span of 4 years!
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